
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Tis the season for GIVING!

I haven't blogged for awhile, excuse my absence (for those of you that noticed that is). Nonetheless, my relationship with my laptop has been restored, so here we go:

Christmas. For as long as I can remember it has been a time I have associated with material things; gifts and food mostly.  A time in which to manipulate one's family and friends into giving you what YOU want, a time to be selfish, sort of like a second birthday.  It worked SO much better when I was younger, of course the cute Christmas outfits, hair adorned with ribbons, big round eyes accompanied with batting eyelids and oh so innocent smile pretty much sealed the deal back then.  That time has passed.

Moving to the present, pun an adult Christmas has become a useful time in which to reflect and take a step back from the self and be aware of the others.  I am by no means saying that we should not accept presents or enjoy glorious meals, but I am saying that not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to do so and that for those of us who can do so, let's really take it all in.  It's so easy to get sucked into the excitement of ripping wrapping paper off to hastily get to the goal, the object of our desire at the time or stuffing our faces with that dish mom ONLY prepares for Christmas dinner and whilst it's fun...slow it down...appreciate not just the object but everything it took to even get to set moment.

Think about it!  In order to be enjoying Christmas today, you had to have survived another 12 months since last year, be thankful for life.  You had to have had the resources to get to where you are spending Christmas and to have others to share Christmas with, be thankful for the resources and the ability to make this happen and for the family and friends you are able to share Christmas with today.  The material things that we have come to associate Christmas with are really just the cherry on top, the garnish.  It's important to remember the meal on which that garnish sits - LIFE and the experiences and moments that are the ingredients to it and us making it thus far.

Not everyone has the luxury of turning Christmas into a feast.  To some it's just Sunday or Monday or whatever day December 25th falls on that year.  No gifts, no festive meals, in some cases no meal at all. 

So as you enjoy your Christmas this year and I truly hope that you do, just take a moment to reflect on the less fortunate. 

Strange as it may seem, often those we consider less fortunate for having less than we do, look upon us as less fortunate for having so much and in our lack of gratitude or sheer need for it, having so little.

Lessons Learned.  Often, less is more.  

Merry Christmas.

Love and Light...

Thanks for stopping by


I dedicate this blog to my best-friend, Thomas whose presence (again with the pun, unintentionally this time) in my life is a FANTASTIC Christmas gift!