
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Imperfect Beings.

For as long as I can remember, I have been one to wear my heart on my sleeve.  My brother described me very accurately one day saying, "You are contagious. When you are happy you make the whole world happy, but when you are sad you make the whole world sad".  

Whilst my extroverted nature does neither one literally, what he meant was that when I feel, I feel deeply with my entire being, often to a fault because I lose myself to the recipient of my emotions.  Something I have made a point to no longer do!  

In the past I have hated myself for loving so intensely and have struggled against my innate desire to live a life of service because I have felt that it makes me weak and certainly vulnerable but recently I have come to realise that complete acceptance of myself is winning half of the battle and that whilst some of the people who I have given my genuine, sincere, deep felt love, support, time, effort, concern, money, comfort, amongst other bits of myself to, (almost always putting those individuals before myself) have been undeserving of it, my ability to still have done it makes me proud of myself, thankful that I was raised right, grateful that I am able to still be selfless after the hardships I have been through and continue to go through, hopeful that I will make a wonderful lifetime partner and parent one day and that all those people I have loved intensely in the past and in the future will benefit from knowing unconditional love.

The truth is people tend to be selfish creatures, who will do whatever it takes for their own self gratification and in so doing ignore the harm or hurt, whatever magnitude they cause on the way.  To the extent that it has become so easy not to put in the work to show love or just concern for others, which can be as simple as a text message, call, email, invitation to share a meal etc in preference of doing something related to onself: me, I.

In spite of this so many of us will choose to keep the company of superficial, shallow, selfish people for all the wrong reasons, money, appearances, fame, fortune, all the stuff that ultimately won't matter in the end.  How many times have those same people let you down? Blatantly used you?  Or put more casually, thrown you under the bus.  It's not just in movies where the bad guy turns on his crew in order to gain more.  Open your eyes and watch it happening everyday, all around you.  And yet even with eyes wide open like saucers, knowing full well who is a true friend from their actions, so many of us still turn our backs on the real good guys in our lives for the bad.  It's a shame!

I for one have every intention of choosing my relationships with other humans much more wisely and I would recommend you do the same, because life really is too short to waste on non reciprocal relationships.  LESSONS LEARNED.

"Life isn't about who's coming to the party but who will be there to help you pick up the pieces when all the guests are gone" - K. Steffans

Who are the guests at the party that is your life and who are the people helping you pick up the pieces and most importantly who do you place more value on and what does that say about you?

Love and light.

Thank you for stopping by,



Geri A. said...

Reading your blog, puts me in a sense of peace. Im not sure if its the way you write, or what you write. It speaks to me, because I feel that our minds are in sync. Peta I enjoyed reading this before I go to bed. It gives me something to think about. THANK YOU.

AfricasHeiress said...

Thank YOU Geri for your words of encouragement to contribute to bringing you peace and food for thought makes writing worthwhile.