
Saturday, September 10, 2011

What Is Love?

NO!  This is NOT yet another soppy, "chick" orientated blog, whingeing, whining, nagging or complaining about the male species, so DON'T shut of your technological device just yet, read'll be worth it. 

There seems to be an epidemic affecting us 80's babies, it seems over the past couple of years damn near all of us simultaneously got bitten by the marriage and baby bug.  I have to really wrack my brain to think of a friend or family member within that age group, both male and female who isn't either engaged, married, an expectant and/or existing parent.  Even then amongst the few I can think of at least half are considering proposing and/or settling down and starting a family.  

I have to admit, the idea of being in a mutually committed relationship, with one person who you can absolutely trust to keep you safe from sexually transmitted diseases by NOT cheating and furthermore to keep you safe from unnecessary heartbreak by constantly considering the consequences of their actions, sounds like bliss.  However, even as simplified as I've stated it, that bliss seems unattainable.  Which brings us back to our peers afflicted by this marriage/baby epidemic, how many of them are happily married?  How many of them are raising children they conceived as a couple, happily together under the same roof as a family unit?  I have no doubt that some do fall into those categories, but not nearly enough.

We've all seen significant others out there, with others who are definitely not significant.  In Zimbabwe cheating is so common that a term, used so widely even children know it has been created to define a mistress, "smallhouse".  And then there are the terms, "baby mama" and "baby daddy".  What happened to make it desirable to be the side dish to the entree or to scatter one's sperm in multiple vaginas without consideration that one's seed or in most cases seeds will grow up in yet another broken home with more step mothers and step fathers and more step siblings and half siblings to even confuse a genius.

Are we sure that we are really ready for the marriage/baby epidemic or do we need to reevaluate the situation.  

What Is Love?

Noone is perfect!  But, we need to take personal responsibility for our actions.  A child is a gift and we cannot continue to procreate so carelessly.  The reality is relationships require work!   You wouldn't apply for a fulltime job unless you were absolutely sure you were able to meet the requirements and if you accepted the job, you would have to work hard inorder to not only retain your position, but to excel.  So why commit yourself to a marriage if you aren't willing to put in the work necessary to make it work?

Too many of us believe that if we date multiple partners eventually we will find the perfect one.  LESSONS LEARNED.  There IS NO PERFECT ONE!  Each individual comes with their pros and cons, the trick is either to be single and have relations with various people, mutually commitment free or to mutually commit to a relationship and work at it and through it together.

Most of us wouldn't just get up one day and quit a job we had held for an extended period of time, albeit it's ups and downs (with in reason).  If not a job, why quit on the person you love?

Thanks for stopping by,



evierobbie. said...

Nothing is unattainable. I'm 27. Though I do see the epidemic you speak of, I have a population of friends around me that don't believe the hype. I travel the world, am in no rush to pop out a baby or get married until my career is where I want it. BUT I live a life of sacrifice. There are moments when all I want is that balance. I believe one day I'll achieve it. I also was in a long term long distance relationship due to my traveling lifestyle, and what he taught me (we are not together, but it wasn't the traveling or cheating) is that you can have everything. All in due time. In the right time.

Adubb said...

Love is unexplainable....